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Northeast Harbor: From Rustic to Rusticators

Rock End Hotel Area, Northeast Harbor, ca. 1886

Rock End Hotel Area, Northeast Harbor, ca. 1886

Item 21052 info
Great Harbor Maritime Museum

With the coming of the summer people and the realization of the potential profits that could be gained from them, hotels began springing up in town. 1883 saw the construction of the Asticou Inn and the Roberts House, both at the head of the harbor, run by A.C. Savage and William Roberts, respectively. The Rock End Hotel was built by Herman L. Savage, son of A.C. Savage, in 1884; and in 1886 Squire Kimball built the Kimball House. Eventually the town also had the Indian Head, the Clifton House, the Harbourside Inn, and the Gaynor Hotel.
Shown here is the Rock End Hotel and the Wedge, built by Herman Savage, in the mid-1880's

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