The rapidly growing population of summer residents dictated the need to begin constructing amenities to modernize and increase the joy of the summer for the summer colony. Mrs. James Gardiner devised the swimming pool to provide an appropriate pastime for the summer residents. This was the first organization not to allow local residents to join. The summer residents failed to realize the impact of neap tides, and the local residents never mentioned this shortcoming, so an electric pump had to be installed to maintain a constant water level. In 1897, Bishop Doane along with Samuel Eliot and James Terry Gardiner established the Village Improvement Society ?to make Northeast Harbor a desirable summer place.? They furthered and helped in the direction of the swimming pool, the golf course, and the tennis club. The Village Improvement Society was primarily managed by summer people, but a few local residents were on the board of directors though not invited to join in on the activities. This proved difficult when some summer residents decided to stay in Northeast Harbor in the winter and the rules of the organizations needed to be changed. However, at least one person was exiled from the rolls of these clubs for this reason. In the early 20th century, the Northeast Harbor Fleet was established and though it was exclusive in the beginning, local residents have since been allowed to join.