Marvin Bryant, father of Donald Alison Bryant. This photograph was taken when Donald's family still resided on Isleford in 1920. His family tree can be traced
back through some of the first families to ever set foot on Mount Desert Island and the outlying crops of lands. Families like the Stanleys, the Gilleys, and even the first settlers of the Cranberry Islands, the Bunkers, can all be found on Mr. Bryant?s line. These families? actions on the Cranberry Islands were vital pieces in the success of Mount Desert Island and the mainland. Fishing, farming, and trading were what made the communities productive throughout the late 18th and into the 19th centuries. But by the 20th century, life as the early families knew it would begin to change drastically. A huge influx of new technology soon phased out the ?old? trades that kept the island?s economy running.
This is a postcard of the Dane Cottage in Seal Harbor before it was purchased and torn down by David Rockefeller for the construction of his summer home, Ringing Point. David purchased the property during the 1950s when his father, John D. Rockefeller, began to dismantle his own property in Seal Harbor.
This is a photograph that was taken in the 1970s of Donald Bryant at the helm of the Rockefeller's sailing sloop, "Jack Tar II", accompanied by Peggy Rockefeller. By this time, Donald found himself doing things such as overseeing the development of Bartlett?s Island, accompanying Peggy on her many hobby-seeking endeavors, and seeing the Rockefeller children home safely after countless boat rides.
This is a photograph taken in the 1960s of Donald Bryant behind the wheel of the Rockefeller's motorboat, the "Tartan". Upon the birth of Donald and Marguerite?s second child in the early 1950s, they decided that it would be best if Donald worked closer to home. He was offered the position of monitoring and caring for David Rockefeller?s boats and waterfront property soon after this decision. Eventually, the Rockefeller's marine possesions included several motor boats and sailboats.
This is a photograph of Donald Bryant seated on the Rockefeller's sailing sloop, "Jack Tar II".
Donald and Marg Bryant at Rockefeller Anniversary Party
Item 21572 infoTrenton Cemetery & Keeping Society
Donald and his wife, Marguerite Bryant at David and Peggy Rockefeller's 40th anniversary celebration in New York City. 1980. Maguerite and the Bryant children had to become accustomed to Donald's position, as he spent great amounts of time away from home in order to fulfill his duties as estate superintendent. Donald and Marguerite attented many social events and parties put on by the Rockefellers during and before the time that he was employed.
Letter to Donald and Marg Bryant from David Rockefeller
Item 21573 infoTrenton Cemetery & Keeping Society
This is a letter that David Rockefeller enclosed with several photographs which he sent to Donald and Marguerite Bryant following David and Peggy's 40th anniversary party. 1982.
Donald Bryant retirement letter, Seal Harbor, 1983
Item 21323 infoTrenton Cemetery & Keeping Society
This is the letter which David Rockefeller wrote to Donald Bryant upon the announcement of Donald's retirement in 1983. He passed away in 2002. His wife, Marguerite, passed away in 2004, and their property in Seal Harbor, which was as a gift from the Rockefellers during the 1970s, was sold soon after. Following the deaths of both Donald and Marguerite, as well as the passing of Peggy Rockefeller, the relationship between the Bryants and the Rockefellers faded out. The impressions that each family left upon one another lasted, and remain to this day.
Donald Bryant on Rockefeller yacht, Seal Harbor, ca. 1981
Item 21571 infoTrenton Cemetery & Keeping Society
Donald Bryant seated at the stern of one of the Rockefeller's boats. 1963.