Source Materials
In addition to the valuable help and assistance from the Mount Desert Island Historical Society and the Northeast Harbor Library, the author gives thanks in particular the following people and resources crucial to the creation of this section of the Savage Family pages for the Maine Memory Network:
Elizabeth Hewlett, project partner and co-author of Savage Family sections of the Maine Community Heritage Project / Maine Memory Network for proofreading draft text, providing enthusiasm and encouragement along the way and who importantly gave genesis to the title for the ‘Houses on Wheels’ section.
Dr. William R. Horner for proofreading draft text and providing needed edits.
Jennifer Judd-McGee for her patience, proofreading draft text and technical assistance in creating project images throughout the project.
Brook Minner from the Northeast Harbor Library for technical assistance and encouragement.
Charles K. “Ken” Savage, Jr. for providing access and allowing the 19th Century oil painting of Asticou by Dr. John L. Hughes to be photographed and used for this project.
Richard M. "Rick" Savage, II for proofreading draft text, suggesting important images and identifying project image subjects, dates and people.
The following items and sources provided direct information and guidance:
‘Memoirs of a Lifetime’ (also printed as ‘Memories of a Lifetime’) –by Augustus Chase Savage, dated March 8, 1902 – private publication
‘Early History and Personal Recollections of Northeast Harbor’ – by Cora Savage Phillips, date unknown - private publication
‘My Recollections of Grandfather and Grandmother and Their Family’ – by Emily Phillips Reynolds, dated 1982 – private publication
‘The Next Century at Asticou (1870-1970) – by Charles K. Savage, dated 1972 – private publication
‘Fibber’s Closet’ – by Richard M. Savage, II – dated 2007 – private publication
‘Maine Coattages – Fred L. Savage and the Architecture of Mount Desert’ – by John M. Bryan, copyright 2005, Princeton Architectural Press
‘Images of America Mount Desert Island’ – by Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr. and Lydia B. Vandenbergh, copyright 2001, Arcadia Publishing
‘Savage Genealogy’ by Rose P. Ruze, dated 2005 – private publication
Hancock County Registry of Deeds, Ellsworth, Maine – URL =
Town of Mount Desert Website for Property Assessment Information – URL =
Leads to early deed information on MDI from MDI Historical Society – URL =
Savage Family Photographs, letters and documents, private collections of Samuel Savage McGee, Richard M. Savage II and Charles K. “Ken” Savage, Jr.
Genealogical research provided by Sheldon Goldthwait
Projected population statistics from “The Veritcal Farm” – by Dr. Dickson Despommier, copyright 2011, Picador / St. Martin’s Press